Actions by Solidarity with Sisters
The list below tells only a tiny part of our story. Much more important is our personal and communal transformation (really, that's the right word) through these years of companionship with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and with each other. That story is in our chapter in LCWR's book However Long the Night: Making Meaning in a Time of Crisis. We inspire and impel one another forward through our regular Solidarity with Sisters' meetings. our strong relationships with women religious and LCWR, and the communal prayer to which we welcome you anytime.
May 29, 2012 - Rally in support of LCWR with about 220 participants, followed by our meeting with the Papal Nuncio to the USA at which he agreed to dispatch to Pope Benedict XVI our letter asking for an end to the LCWR mandate
Early June, 2012 –First meeting with the sisters at the LCWR national office (we hadn't even known it was near us). We asked to bring them our rally materials, they opened the door, and we began lasting friendships.
June 12, 2012 - Prayer for LCWR with the Papal Nuncio at the Vatican Embassy
Summer 2012 – Expansion of website, including “Thank you, Sisters” online form; we sent each entry to the named sister’s congregation
Lent 2013 – Contemplative prayer service together for LCWR each Tuesday in parish chapel
January-June 2013 – Greeting cards to all active US bishops asking for support for LCWR; three different cards, for Epiphany, Lent, and Pentecost
Summer 2013 – Letter to Pope Francis in Spanish and English (via letter to Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz in Portuguese and English via the Papal Nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano)
July 2013 – Helped to put together nametags for LCWR 2013 Assembly; we did this 2014, 2015, and 2016, too.
August 2, 2013 – Prayer service for LCWR 2013 Assembly with the Papal Nuncio at the Vatican Embassy
Fall 2013 – Small advocacy lunch with Papal Nuncio
Lent 2014 -- Contemplative prayer service together for LCWR each Tuesday during Lent
Spring 2014 – Put together sale-packets of LCWR’s first contemplative notecards.
Spring 2014 – Wrote discussion questions for LCWR’s 2014 book Spiritual Leadership for Challenging Times, published on LCWR’s website and ours.
June 7, 2014 – Organized and led Spiritual Leadership Symposium featuring LCWR leaders at the Catholic University of America; 200 participants.
August 2014 – Daily prayers during the LCWR 2014 Assembly
April 2015 – Delivered homemade bouquets for all LCWR national office staff members to celebrate resolution of the mandate.
Summer 2015 – Wrote discussion questions for LCWR’s 2015 book Transformational Leadership; they were published on LCWR’s and Orbis websites and on ours.
June 29, 2016 -- Wrote and organized Prayer Vigil for Peace in a Time of Hate and Violence, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Silver Spring, MD.
Summer 2017-March 2018 – Wrote chapter for LCWR book However Long the Night and helped with book preparation in other ways.
January-April 2018 – Major pruning and revision of the website.
Lent 2020 - Weekly gatherings for contemplative prayer to which we invited others. We moved from a chapel to Zoom online in response to coronavirus.
March 2020 and for the foreseeable future - Right now we seek to create space for the Holy Spirit to work in this time of pandemic and national urgency for a just and merciful society. To make the Gospel visible, and to fuel the vitality of the Body of Christ, we create communal, interactive, contemplative times of prayer, readings, quiet, and sharing every week on Zoom (Sunday gatherings 10:30 AM Eastern; contemplative space on Tuesdays at 7:30 PM and Wednesdays at 2 PM). With dozens of people from all over the USA and beyond, we experience communion in God and with each other. Read examples, or email us if you'd like to know more.
Early June, 2012 –First meeting with the sisters at the LCWR national office (we hadn't even known it was near us). We asked to bring them our rally materials, they opened the door, and we began lasting friendships.
June 12, 2012 - Prayer for LCWR with the Papal Nuncio at the Vatican Embassy
Summer 2012 – Expansion of website, including “Thank you, Sisters” online form; we sent each entry to the named sister’s congregation
Lent 2013 – Contemplative prayer service together for LCWR each Tuesday in parish chapel
January-June 2013 – Greeting cards to all active US bishops asking for support for LCWR; three different cards, for Epiphany, Lent, and Pentecost
Summer 2013 – Letter to Pope Francis in Spanish and English (via letter to Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz in Portuguese and English via the Papal Nuncio Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano)
July 2013 – Helped to put together nametags for LCWR 2013 Assembly; we did this 2014, 2015, and 2016, too.
August 2, 2013 – Prayer service for LCWR 2013 Assembly with the Papal Nuncio at the Vatican Embassy
Fall 2013 – Small advocacy lunch with Papal Nuncio
Lent 2014 -- Contemplative prayer service together for LCWR each Tuesday during Lent
Spring 2014 – Put together sale-packets of LCWR’s first contemplative notecards.
Spring 2014 – Wrote discussion questions for LCWR’s 2014 book Spiritual Leadership for Challenging Times, published on LCWR’s website and ours.
June 7, 2014 – Organized and led Spiritual Leadership Symposium featuring LCWR leaders at the Catholic University of America; 200 participants.
August 2014 – Daily prayers during the LCWR 2014 Assembly
April 2015 – Delivered homemade bouquets for all LCWR national office staff members to celebrate resolution of the mandate.
Summer 2015 – Wrote discussion questions for LCWR’s 2015 book Transformational Leadership; they were published on LCWR’s and Orbis websites and on ours.
June 29, 2016 -- Wrote and organized Prayer Vigil for Peace in a Time of Hate and Violence, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Silver Spring, MD.
Summer 2017-March 2018 – Wrote chapter for LCWR book However Long the Night and helped with book preparation in other ways.
January-April 2018 – Major pruning and revision of the website.
Lent 2020 - Weekly gatherings for contemplative prayer to which we invited others. We moved from a chapel to Zoom online in response to coronavirus.
March 2020 and for the foreseeable future - Right now we seek to create space for the Holy Spirit to work in this time of pandemic and national urgency for a just and merciful society. To make the Gospel visible, and to fuel the vitality of the Body of Christ, we create communal, interactive, contemplative times of prayer, readings, quiet, and sharing every week on Zoom (Sunday gatherings 10:30 AM Eastern; contemplative space on Tuesdays at 7:30 PM and Wednesdays at 2 PM). With dozens of people from all over the USA and beyond, we experience communion in God and with each other. Read examples, or email us if you'd like to know more.
Ongoing – We continue in solidarity with LCWR and Catholic sisters, in the spirit of all that this website describes. We members of Solidarity with Sisters support each other in deepening our understanding and recognizing our responsibility as people of God, expressed in transformative nonviolence and action. Meeting together regularly and with intention helps us hold ourselves accountable for the way of being we continue to discover with LCWR. An important inspiration and guidebook for us is LCWR's book However Long the Night.
This brief older article tells you more about who we are and how we came to be (page 7). Our chapter in However Long the Night is much more complete and current. |