In Solidarity with Sisters, we support each other to understand and embody what it means to be people of God. Welcome!
- We are lay people who learn vision and courage with Catholic sisters.
- We find joy in communal, contemplative prayer and Gospel action.
- The original 2012 small group continues to meet regularly.
- We've grown to welcome people from across North America for Zoom prayer on each Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
- As an open, caring, prayerful community, we inspire, support, and challenge each other to live the Gospel in ways we could not imagine alone.
- This website offers you resources to learn about and embody this enriching, joyous way of being, inspired by Catholic sisters.
Sunday communal prayer and Tuesday and Wednesday communal contemplative time:
Check out examples for more information. Let us know if you'd like more information.
Check out examples for more information. Let us know if you'd like more information.
"This process is about personal transformation
in order to bring about social transformation."

Possible entry points:
- Learn who sisters really are – not media stereotypes but actual women with passionate commitments.
- Pray as sisters do – by opening ourselves to God and by finding God in all things.
- Choose community as our foundation – welcoming God’s active presence.
- Take action to increase peace and justice in the world and use the sisters' proven ways of spiritual leadership.
- Live with deep, pervasive nonviolence, as Jesus was nonviolent.